Breakfast Ideas 4: New Dawn Smoothie

           A new dawn comes with opportunities to explore nature via food. This smoothie can cheer up your mood on any day. Rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties for immune boost and fiber to ease digestion promoting great gut health.

Ingredients (serving: 1; 2.5 servings of carbs; 1.5 servings of protein; 1.5 servings fat)

  1. 1 C pineapple (diced)
  2. 6 strawberries
  3. Fresh Ginger
  4. 1 C soy-milk (You can use another milk)
  5. 1 tbsp flax seed
  6. 1 tbsp chia seed

Method of preparation

  • Place all ingredients in a blender and liquefy to a smooth drink.
  • Serve chilled or serve immediately.
  • Pair it with 1 slice of bread and omelet for breakfast.

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