Hi friends,

- in between meal snacks
- eaten with portioned meals
- pre and post work out drinks.
- mock-tails against the overly sweetened beverages.
They are inexpensive to make because you don't need to use all a whole bunch of banana or whatever fruit for an on-spot smoothie (excess fruits in one sitting can lead to weight gain and defies healthy eating!!).
- 8 cube pieces of cored pineapple (have the hard center part of pineapple removed) (Source of carbs)
- 5 baby sticks of carrot (see picture for size) (Source of fiber)
- Handful of parsley (source of herbs for detoxification)
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil. ( you can use peanut butter, instead) (Source of healthy fat)
- 3 ice cubes (optional).
A blender or smoothie maker (I use OSTERIZER by Oster)
- Put baby carrots in an empty pot and place over a low heat on stove/ cooker to steam until a bit soft to chew (like 3-5mins) P.S: This increases the way your body uses the VITAMIN A, for good eyes & strong immunity.
- Allow carrots to cool a little after removal from heat.
- Place the remaining ingredient into the blender as well as the carrots and liquefy to smooth texture.
- Pour into a cup or put in a container to sip along the way.

P.S: I had mine with my left over pumpkin pudding. Guess what? The pudding tasted better than the first day I made it (2 days after production). I WAS ALL OVER THE MOON.
Link to my pumpkin pudding is here oven baked pumpkin pudding
REMEMBER: A Healthy Lifestyle is 70% of your diet, 20% of exercise (physical activity) & 10% your environment.
If you need help, drop your mails on dietbukka@gmail.com as well as your comments.
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